Monday 30 November 2009

Sunday 29th November

Sunday went pretty well all things considered. My cold developed nastily and I was feeling drowsy from all the medicine and from not being able to go out and do much.

My plan was to study the Associated of Learning Technology Journal (ALT-J), Vol 17, No.1, March, 2009). ALT-J are pretty heavy going so I wasn't anticipating getting through all of it. There was lots of sport on cricket following by 2 football matches. I managed to read all the articles intermittently with the sport on in the background. Cricket is easier to read to than any other sport and I had a period where I had the sound down and music playing. This was the most productive time but even with the normal sound on I still managed to plough through the reading.

Although I marked the best bits, I wasn't able to googledoc them because I can't access the online version of ALT-J at home. I need to be at a university to do this (i.e. at work). Then I can copy and paste the best bits into word. Typing them out takes far longer.

I had finished this by about 6 and then decided to read a few Learning Teaching blogs. This is not MA learning but it's vital learning nonetheless some of which will spill over into the assignment.

Sunday 29 November 2009

Saturday, 28th November

So this is my first post of this post where I record what work I do on my MA assignment for the first module Issues in ICT in education.

The day began with the best intentions. I had no social engagements so it was just a case of how much I could do. Also, having not gone out the night before I wasn't feeling hungover. Unfortunately, I'm currently suffering from my first cold for as long as I can remember. This meant I couldn't go for a run which doesn't help the energy levels.

Anyway, I got up early-ish and after breakfast started work at 9am. I started reading the 5 assingments I printed off and then pasting in the best quotes into google docs. I did 3 and then it was 11:30. A good start as I broke to prepare lunch.

The problem after lunch is that I never really got going again. Over the course of the rest of the day I managed to read the other 2 assignments and strip out the best bits. The main reason is watching the sport that was on. However, this was always going to happen and I could easily have had it on in the background while I continue to read and move onto the articles I have ready.

Overall, a good load was done but it could have been so much better.